sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2010

Bo dou we ma din man kpon*

*bo dou we ma din man kpon - significa em beninês:" Agora dancem!"

quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

It's just bad timing that's all

("Charla" com realizador espanhol discípulo de Luis Buñuel, enquanto esperava por tofu picante)

Eu: Diz-me, o que estás tu a filmar neste momento?
Ele: Una película de amor.
Eu: Tem um final feliz o teu filme?
Ele: Si...
Ele: E tu? Cuál es la ultima película que has visto en el cine?
Eu: AVATAR!(sorriso) Não vou ao cinema tanto quanto gostaria, tenho pouco tempo. Costumo ver DVD's..
Ele: Cuál es la ultima película que has visto en DVD?

domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

O clic, o desejo, e a música dos Tokio Hotel

" You must understand what desire means, and religions have confused you much about it. If you desire something of the world, they call it desire. If you desire something of the other world, they call it by a diferent name. This is absurd. Desire is desire! It makes no difference what the object of desire is. The object may be anything - of this world, material, or of another world, spiritual - but desiring remains the same.

Every desire is a bondage. Even if you desire God, it is a bondage; even if you desire liberation it is a bondage. And liberation cannot happen unless this desiring goes away totally. So remember, you cannot desire liberation, that is impossible; that is contradictory. You can become desireless, and then liberation happens. But that is not a result of your desire. Rather, it is a consequence of no desire.

So try to understand what desire is. Desire means that right now you are not okay, you are not at ease. This very moment you are not at ease whith yourself, and something else in the future, if fulfilled, will bring peace. The fulfillment is always in the future; it is never here and now. This tension of the mind for the future is desire. Desire means you are not in the present moment, and all that is there is only the present moment. You are somewhere in the future, and the future is not. It never has been, it will never be.

(...)So i cannot call any desire spiritual. Desire as such is worldly. Desire is the world. There is no spiritual desire; there cannot be. That is a trick of the mind, a deception. You don't want to leave desiring, so you change the objects. First you were desiring wealth, prestige, power. Now you say you don't desire and that these are worldly things. You condemn them, and those who desire them are condemned in your eyes. Now you desire God, the kingdom of God, nirvana, moksha, the eternal, satchit-anand, the Brahma. Now you desire these, and you feel very good. You think you are transformed, but you have done anything. You remain the same.

(...)So try to understand me. I say that every desire is worldly because desire is the world. So it is not a question of changing the desire, its not a question of changing objects. It is a question of a mutation, of a revolution from desire to no-desire; from desire to no-desire, not from old desires to new desires, from worldly desires to otherworldly desires, from material desires to spiritual desires - no! From desire to no-desire is the revolution!! "

The Book of Secrets, OSHO

quinta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2010

Reconciliação e Perdão

Hà vinte anos, na manhã de 11 de fevereiro foi libertado Nelson Mandela.
"It always seems impossible until its done"

sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010

Queda para o amor

Poema brilhante na voz de Bjork. Chama-se Bachelorette. Sjòn assina.

sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2010

quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2010

Não posso adiar

Não posso adiar o amor para outro século
não posso
ainda que o grito sufoque na garganta
ainda que o ódio estale e crepite e arda
sob as montanhas cinzentas
e montanhas cinzentas

Não posso adiar este abraço
que é uma arma de dois gumes
amor e ódio

Não posso adiar
ainda que a noite pese séculos sobre as costas
e a aurora indecisa demore
não posso adiar para outro século a minha vida
nem o meu amor
nem o meu grito de libertação

Não posso adiar o Coração.

António Ramos Rosa

terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

SIDDHARTHA- Herman Hesse

Um livro pequenino, uma linguagem simples mas cheia de significado. Veio parar-me às mãos inadvertidamente. Lá encontrei as palavras que precisava ouvir no momento. Podiam ter sido outras, mas estas serviram.